Bottom Quick Settings - Privacy Policy

Bottom Quick Settings does not collect, use or store your data.

A list of permissions and the reasons they are required are listed below:

Accessibility service

Used for the Handle/Status bar blacklist - to detect the foreground application
Used to keep the service running - so that the quick setting panel can continue to be displayed after removing the application from the recents menu
Only information required for the above points is used. Data is not collected, sent or stored.

Display Over Other Apps

For the app to be able to display the quick setting panel

Modify System Settings

To change the screen brightness and rotation mode

Read/Write Storage

Required for creating/restoring a backup of the apps settings.
Required for taking a screenshot

Screen Capture

Required to take a screenshot or to blur the background behind the panel.
The phone screen is only captured when taking a screenshot or when background blur is enabled and the panel is opened

Write Secure Settings

Used to toggle: Mobile Data, NFC, Location, Immersive Mode, Airplane Mode, Invert Colors, Battery Saver
The above Android settings cannot usually be toggled by 3rd party apps. Granting this permission allows the above settings to be toggled.

Notification access

To show notifications above the quick setting panel
To show notification icons in the status bar

Do Not Disturb Access

To be able to switch between Do Not Disturb modes when the Do Not Disturb quick setting tile is tapped

Access/Change WiFi State

To detect when WiFi is disconnected/connected and update the WiFi quick setting tile accordingly
To turn WiFi on/off when the WiFi quick setting tile is tapped


The location permission is optional
Enabling the location permission allows the app to retrieve the WiFi network SSID and display it underneath the WiFi tile icon in the quick setting panel

Read/Write sync settings

To be able to detect if Sync is turned on/off and update the Sync quick setting tile accordingly
To be able to turn Sync on/off when the Sync quick setting tile is tapped


To detect when the device is connected/disconnected to another Bluetooth device and update the Bluetooth quick setting tile accordingly
To turn Bluetooth on/off when the Bluetooth quick setting tile is tapped

Access Notification Policy

To detect the current ringer mode (sound/vibrate/silent)

Foreground Service

So the app can stay awake and continue displaying the quick setting panel when the app's main activity is closed

Start On Boot

So the app can start at boot if it was running at the last shutdown


Required on older Android versions to be able to open the alarm tab of the default android clock app


Required to add shortcuts in the quick setting panel for contacts.
No data is collected, sent or stored. Only a link to the contact is created when adding a shortcut to the panel.


Only required on Android Lollipop to toggle the flashlight

If any permissions are unclear. Please don't hesitate to contact. Send an email to [email protected]